Crosman C11 Semi-Auto Air Pistol CO2 BB Kit
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Sleek, sharp, realistic. Crosman's C11 BB gun is all those things...oh, yeah, it's also a blast to shoot! Just pull the trigger, and BBs start flying out the muzzle with flawless precision.
The C11 magazine holds 20* BBs, and the grip panels slide out of the way to load a CO2 cartridge. Texturing and finger grooves make the grip easy to keep in your hand as you pump out the BBs. In front of the triggerguard is an accessory rail. This pistol is easy to use and uncomplicated. If you're looking for a gun that's loads of fun to shoot, this is it! Remember, never shoot steel BBs at hard objects!
*The owner's manual states 18 BBs and also has some incorrect specifications. Crosman has confirmed the specs on our site are correct.
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10 of 14 Crosman C11 Kit Reviews
Cost of the gun, extras with the gun purchase. Fast shipping and being able to talk to a expert at any time.
Things I Would Have ChangedNothing, I feel this was a perfect purchase for me.
What Others Should KnowThe front sight is off a very small amount, but not enough to worry about, just use a little Kentucky windage, a great buy!!
The size & weight are just right
Things I Would Have ChangedNothing! It's perfect for what I use it for, which is to practice whenever I can't make it to the actual gun range.
What Others Should KnowJudge for yourself, the way I feel about a weapon may not coincide with how you feel about it.
Low cost package deal.
Things I Would Have ChangedNothing. I wanted a cheap bb pistol and that's what I got. Accurate? Um no
What Others Should KnowYou won't hit anything
Great little piece and package I bought for my 14-year-old son. He loves it. Something for him to learn with. The package deal was awesome also. It gave him everything to get started.
Things I Would Have ChangedNothing
Mag is easy to load and holds 18. This pistol functioned DustDevil frangible BBs. Purchase the duo kit its the best deal you get 100 targets and a complete pistol for for less than the average magazine price and you will want a extra mag
Things I Would Have ChangedAt this price point its vary good
What Others Should KnowSites are not adjustable at 30 feet 2inches left and 2 inches high , but vary pop can worthy . User can mount a lazer and see BBs to target. I purchesed the duo kit and 2 UmarexSteelStorms lots of smiles in these. And allways Pyramyd air is easy and fast . Oh and for the price of 50 pistol cartridges you can pull the trigger over 6000 times
I Loooove it! I can't wait to try it.
Things I Would Have ChangedMaybe add a little weight to it, and cover the screw holes on the right side.
Easy and fun to shoot.
Things I Would Have ChangedMagazine release button is prone to breakage. I've owned 2 of these and both of them failed. Maybe they should be made of metal as the magazines are.
What Others Should KnowGreat gun except for the mag release issue. Plenty of YouTube videos cover it! Let the buyer beware!
It good
Things I Would Have ChangedMaybe it could be a METAL PRODUCT
What Others Should KnowIt was a gift for someone they are enjoying it
Gun has a good feel to it and is easy to operate however, it keeps loosing a lot if air when replacing the C02 cartridge. Have tried to call pyramid air for help several times, but no answer or call back.
Things I Would Have ChangedFix your message service.
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Nov 04, 2023
By Anthony
Nice and light, looks are good, magazine works well and is fairly easy to load, it's got good power, 2-3 on quiet scale, CO2 lasts a long time, price with discounts made it a great bargain.
Things I Would Have ChangedThe trigger is bad news. Long takeup, gritty, no different after 300 shots, pull takes you off your aim.
What Others Should KnowThis is an OK pistol based on 60-70 I have owned. The trigger is in the bottom 10% which hurts any evaluation. I got tired shooting it because of the trigger. A gun rest is almost a necessity if you want to measure accuracy. Those gripes aside, you can have some fun with this one. I'd rate it lower than four stars, but for $36 this pistol is pretty hard to beat. Almost forgot ... if you shoot it too fast you might jamb up the magazine, but no big deal. Remove it with the normal release button, give the gun a gentle shake, and the BB falls out. Happened to me twice in 300 shots, five cartridges.