Beeman R1 Elite Series Combo
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The king of the Beeman R series!
A classic among spring breakbarrels, the R1’s is the embodiment of well-designed German engineering.
Open the box and you’ll be taken in by the checkered hardwood stock, and deep bluing on the barrel. Atop that barrel, you’ll find the professionally installed UTG 4-16x40 AO rifle scope attached to the 11mm rail. The adjustable 2-stage Rekord trigger has been long admired by breakbarrel airgunners for its crisp break that contributes to its astounding accuracy.
Available in .177 and .22 caliber, the R1 is ideal for target shooting and small game hunting—so grab some pellets and hit the range!
Beeman R1 Elite Series Combo
- Breakbarrel
- Spring-piston
- Automatic safety
- 2-stage adjustable trigger
- 11mm Dovetail rail
- Rubber buttpad
- 34lb cocking effort
- Includes UTG 4-16x40 AO Rifle Scope (mounted)
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5 of 5 Beeman R1 Elite Series Combo Reviews
I liked the heft and solidness of the rifle. It is easier to load than I expected and is easier to cock and handle. I liked that the scope was setup and just needed some tweaks for my eye and we were good to go. It is a powerful gun in 177 and has a definite bark to it when firing but the recoil is not that big of a deal. I had read about springer recoils and I was thinking of getting whacked like my 25/06 but really, it is a lot closer to the recoil of a 222. The accuracy out of the box is great but the gun itself requires you hold it a certain way to get good groups. Get on paper and shoot a while and you will quickly learn that tight hold is bad, loose hold is ok, but medium is best for good groups. Once I had the hold worked out, I was able to hit the stands (3") for the deer feeder at about 75 yards consistently.
Things I Would Have ChangedI wish the manual would have said more on maintenance. I was surprised at the "no lube in compression chamber" in the manual and the lack of lube discussions elsewhere. They really should put out a detailed discussion of how the owner would maintain the rifle. I called Pyramyd and they confirmed no lube in the compression chamber so now I have an email in tech support asking where I am supposed to lube the spring and with what.
What Others Should KnowDon't delay buying one. I put off buying mine for almost 30 years and finally bought it on a whim. It is truly an excellent rifle and scope package. Mine will get used extensively at the ranch for general plinking.
Buying from Pyramyd was easy and they were very helpful. I called sales prior to buying asked a few questions then just ordered the gun over the phone. Very helpful group!
Exceptionally well made. Accurate right out of the box. Great scope which hopefully will hold up in the long run.
Things I Would Have ChangedThis is a solid and fairly heavy gun which is a bit much for the wife to handle. Cocking effort is fairly easy however. My only complaint is the flip up lens cover on the scope snapped off the first day.
High power and excellent accuracy with most pellets.
Things I Would Have ChangedMy safety cannot be returned to the "SAFE" position once moved to the "FIRE" position. Would like to have back up iron sights.
What Others Should KnowThese are serious weapons on rodents out to about 50 yards + and are not kid's toys!
Beautiful stock. Excellent Bushnell Banner Scope w/ superb mounting. Chronograph of 14.3g pellets which exceed rifle specs.
Things I Would Have ChangedIf I were to use this in the field, then sling mounts would help with weight.
What Others Should KnowTook less then 30 pellets to sight in scope for my use at 10 meters. Groups size of quarter with little effort.
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Aug 18, 2016
By Al
This is my first and probably only air rifle I'll buy and as such I wanted a quality rifle that would last. Everything I have heard and read about this rifle was top notch and it didn't disappoint. The stock, trigger, cocking mechanism were all very nice. Everything was working perfectly and I have no regrets.
What Others Should KnowThe rifle is pretty heavy since everything is metal and wood. One thing that I didn't get sufficient information on was the scope that it came with. Reading reviews lead me to believe the scope was a bushnell banner series scope. This was concerning since that series is not air gun rated, however it ships with the trophy series scope which is and is a better scope overall.