- BSA Polaris
- Spring-piston underlever
- Rotary breech
- Single-shot
- Fiber optic sights (fully adj. rear)
- 13mm scope rail*
- 2-stage trigger
- Wood stock with raised cheekpiece
- Checkered forearm and pistol grip
- Manual safety
*The BSA Polaris scope rail is not 11mm. It's 13mm, and a standard 11mm scope mount will not fit. Many manufacturers make mounts that fit a wider variety of dovetail widths. So, look for scope mounts that say they can accommodate up to a 13mm dovetail.
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4 of 4 BSA Polaris Reviews
The gun is very beautful. Much nicer than the pictures. It certainly gives the impression of high quality. The only area that looks marginal is the fitting of the barrel to the stock. At the back end, the cutout doesn't match the back of the barrel very well, having about 1/8" gap at both sides at the back of the barrel. I have only shot a couple dozen rounds with it so far, but the grouping have been close to each other. I'm using open sites, and initially, the grouping was off about 4" at 20 yards. I can now place ths shots within about 1.25" diameter at 20 yards. Although the colored sites are kind of cool, they are a litle bulky, and block part of the view.
Things I Would Have Changed1. The over-all size of the gun is much larger than I thought. I have several 22's and 3006, and this is much larger and heavier. I would have thought with the fixed barrel, it would have been a little shorter. The dimensions were listed, but I didn't compare to my other guns. This size compares to my shotguns. 2. The rotory breech is not as handy as I was thinking it would be. The pellet sometimes flips around, or needs some additinal push into the chamber, which I use the side of my knife blade for. My son had a pellet gun years ago, which had a nice feature. A plastic magizine held about 5 pellets, and you pulled back the injector pin, slid the magizine on to the next detent, and push the injector pin forward, and it was loaded. Very handy.
What Others Should KnowBefore buying, I had a good e-mail chat with a salesman from Pyramyd, and was very impressed with his help. He recommended a scope, and I'll probably get one soon.
The fit & finish is fantastic,I have much more expensive air rifles but none shoot as nicely and as accurately as this one.The normal twang & vibration associated with a springer just isn't there. I've found this rifle is not the least bit hold sensitive, in fact I was shooting off a picnic table directly on a towel, something most springers can't do.
Things I Would Have ChangedThe trigger is a little creepy. I'm hopeing this will get less noticeable as the rifle breaks in,other then this I can't find any faults.
What Others Should KnowI won a centerpoint scope @ the crosman field target event a couple weeks ago, a 3-12x44 so I ordered a set of medium leaper rings for a 3/8 rail with 33mm rings which fit perfectly on the raised rail which is real solid. I can't say enough good about this rifle. I would recommend this highly to anyone wanting a high quality rifle @ a decent price.
i just received it today. the fit and finish is very good. this one is a 22 cal. i have a superstar in 177 and liked the rotating breach and accuracy. that is what influenced me to make this purchase. i am pleased so far. i won't be able to shoot it till next week. i'll post more after i put 100 rounds thru it.
Things I Would Have Changeda two stage trigger would be nice although the trigger it comes with is quite acceptable. i wouldn't change anything else.
What Others Should Knowi have read on some of the forums that the bsa polaris is a gamo cfx clone, i disagree. there are many differences, the stock is nicer, the sights are better, the safety suites me better. the only thing the weapons have in common is the rotating breach. this is a very nice feature as you won't lose a piece of finger or thumb with it. i'm sure the gamo is a fine weapon but i feel the bsa is more refined.. P A cronied ten shots with it. the low was 625fps hi was 637fps with a 14 gr meisterkugeln. i'm hoping this will improve a bit after a 100 round break in period. the open sights are very nice, though i mounted a scope in it today. my aging eyes require it.
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Aug 14, 2011
By Lauren
very well made, easy cocking effort,very nice looking
Things I Would Have Changednone
What Others Should Knowthis rifle is acurate right out of the box.have only shot about 25 rounds with various pellets and they all shoot well.the weight,balance,are good and the cocking effort is light.i mounted a leapers 3-9x32 scope as i can no longer see open sights, which look to be good with a smaller front optic than most others.i like this rifle as much as my rws 350 and rws 54.this is a great rifle and will enjoy it much for a long time