Air Venturi Bronco, Image 1
Air Venturi Bronco, Image 2
Air Venturi Bronco, Image 3
Air Venturi Bronco, Image 4
Air Venturi Bronco, Image 5
Air Venturi Bronco, Image 6
Air Venturi Bronco, Image 7
Air Venturi Bronco, Image 8
Air Venturi Bronco, Image 9
Air Venturi Bronco, Image 10
Air Venturi Bronco, Image 1

Air Venturi Bronco air rifle

4.564 reviews
3 answered questions


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4.564 reviews
3 answered questions


We frequently get asked if the barrel is really only 9 inches long. Yes, it is! The barrel is the rifled steel portion. If you measure the exterior of the action from the receiver to the muzzle, you'll come up with a much longer dimension than 9 inches. But what you're measuring is not the barrel, but the cover that goes over the barrel and the attached muzzlebrake. The barrel consists of the rifled part only, and that measures just 9 inches on the Bronco.
Stock color may vary somewhat...could be darker or lighter than the images shown.

  • Easy to cock
  • Easy for kids, yet sized for adults (13" pull)
  • Carbine size for fast handling
  • Western-style straight stock has good height for scope
  • Very accurate
  • Unique two-stage trigger is crisp
  • Metal sights, rear is adjustable for windage & elevation
  • Suitable for all-day shooting
  • Designed by airgunner Tom Gaylord
  • 530 fps w/7.9-gr pellets, 600 fps w/PBA pellets


.177 (4.5mm)
Max Velocity
600 fps
Muzzle Energy
4.32 ft/lbs
Suggested for
Target practice/Fun
6.5 lbs
Break barrel
11mm dovetail
Front Sights
Post globe
Rear Sights
Adjustable for windage & elevation
Trigger Pull
2.0 lbs
Barrel Length
Overall Length
1 round(s)
Cocking Effort
18 lbs
Body Type

Overall Rating



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10 of 64 Air Venturi Bronco air rifle Reviews

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Its very Accurate,easy to cock,Low recoil,very Quiet, and with One of The Best Light & Crisp Triggers at a Very Low Price !

Make sure they are always in Stock for sale !I Should have bought 2 more and Keep at least one for yourself !

I bought mine as Refurb and it was Better than NIB and Had the Best Looking Wood Stock with very Nice Grain Pattern !

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A great value for the money. A excellent beginners air rifle. Easy to cock and smooth trigger excellent to teach my girlfriend and grandchildren how to shoot.

I can find nothing I wold change.

Have lots of pellets and targets too much fun to put down even I like shooting it.

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This gun is exactly what it claims to be. Quality materials (considering it's a low end gun), good accuracy out of the box, easy trigger pull, and easy to cock. A fine springer, and at a great price! I wish i had started my airgun fanaticism with this experience would have been much less frustrating! I bought this as a future gift for my son, and I look forward to shooting it with him!!!

Don't stop production on this rifle!!!!!!!!!!!!

This is the perfect starter gun for plinking. This would not be for hunting though as I don't think it has enough power to do that humanely unless it was at very close range and it was something small like a rat (assuming it would sit still ;-)

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This rifle has a VERY nice trigger. I am guessing it's less than 2#. Very light weight even with the 3-9X32 AO I installed on it ! Easy to cock even for my 10 year old grandson. Very accurate !

I would have chosen a darker stock, if available, but I have gotten used to the light "blonde" stock and its decent looking. Other than that, this is an Exceptional rifle !!

I originally purchased an IZH-60 because i wanted an air rifle for shooting close range, with a rifle not capable of penetrating the 3/4" plywood of the chicken/duck/various poultry enclosures I was shooting around. IZH would not keep zero with a scope. I do some professional varmint control (rabbits, starlings, English sparrows, rats, etc) , and found that my .25 cal Air Force TalonP, and my Benjamin Marauder .22 cal were too much gun for certain shots, and I was passing up quite a large percentage of shots due to my concern of possibly harming something in the background. But the Bronco is perfect for Starlings and sparrows up to 30 yards! It will stick in wood, but not penetrate far, and this gun has dispatched several hundred birds, with humane kills. With JSB Exact 8.44 grain round nose pellets, it will shoot 1/2 inch groups at 30 yards on a calm day. VERY sensitive to wind at that range, and I have to aim high by 1 Mil dot on my scope to compensate for the drop

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Solid Build, Crisp Trigger, Accurate & Reasonably Priced -> $99.

Pistol grip too big, especially since gun is marketed towards young shooters. I wish trigger pull could be shortened.

Perfect gun for my 9 year old !!
Pyramyd Air recommended it over the Stroeger X-3 and they were right. Trigger almost as good as my tuned, Quattro Trigger.

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Exceptional accuracy, good trigger, easy cocking, and not hold sensitive.

The Bronco needs a higher front sight, or should be shipped with two shims to raise the sight. The rifle needs a more easily adjusted rear sight. The comb of the stock is thin and pointed at the front and is uncomfortable if you shoot with your face well forward. Extending the comb forward another 1.25" would solve the problem.

The iron sights on my refurbished Bronco, shot much too high at 10 meters, 3.5" high at the lowest setting and 1.5" high with the stepped ramp removed. The Williams 5D could not be used without removing wood from the stock or taking some metal off the bottom of the slide. Installing two front sight shims from Air Venturi corrected the problem. Two shims worked nicely for the 5D, but one would probably be sufficient for the iron sights. I would order two to be safe.

The Bronco is very accurate and should be able to keep all its shots in or on the 9 ring of the NRA 10 meter air rifle target. The trigger is a bit mushy but, except for match rifles, it is one of the better stock triggers I've encountered. I've shot the Bronco switching between a 4X Center Point and the 5D and it is a pleasure to shoot with both. It shot well with both RWS Basics and H&N Excite Econs. Five shots, at 10 meters, with both pellets, at the same target, went into one hole measuring .302" edge to edge.

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I like the design of the rifle and the open sights are nice for a plinking gun. The light cocking effort is also nice.

After trying about 30 different pellets in this gun, I could not find one that grouped better than .441 inches CTC for a ten shot group at 10 yards. Most all other pellets were above .600". Also, the cocking and trigger are very gritty even after around 1500 pellets.

Shame on me for not catching that this particular gun is a dud in terms of accuracy. It should have used the 30 day money back guarantee, but I didn't start using it until then. Lesson learned. Even though my experience with this gun is not good, I would still trust the reviews this gun has received.

Patro Jun 27, 2014

As an update, I am finding that this gun shoots a little more accurately when held tight to the shoulder like a firearm. That is different than the light hold often found with spring air rifles.

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I like the overall size, the stock, the open sights, the double bladed trigger, pretty much everything about this rifle.


The stock on mine is fairly dark and looks nice. The rifle is accurate out of the box with many different pellets. It is a fairly quiet gun made for plinking and target shooting. It fits an adult just fine. The trigger is very good. The cocking effort is very easy. The only issue I have is at short distance, 10 yards or so, I had to remove the elevator for the rear sight so it would shoot at the correct elevation. It is very easy to remove and then put back on. The elevation was perfect at that distance when I did that. It was not really a problem for me. You can't go wrong with this one. It is well worth the money.

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Easy to cock, looks nice.

Better trigger.

This gun is not accurate at all, no matter weight or brand of pellet manufacturer.

Jimmy Mar 26, 2014

Yes it is easy cock that is what I liked about this gun

Peter Mar 23, 2014

I'm just curious. Could you reply and let us know what experience you have with shooting springer's? Also what distances were you shooting? 10 Meters, 25 yds, 50 yds, 100 yds? Someone with little experience might think this air rifle should be spot on the 10 ring at 100 yards. So please let us know at what distance you claim this air rifle to not be accurate.

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I bought this rifle for my fiance and she loves it. Got her a Leapers Bug Buster mounted on it and she can shoot with the best of them. It's really easy to cock and you can shoot all day without getting tired.

I'm not a fan of the fat stock. It just seems too fat near the trigger for me? But my fiance has no complaints at all.

Accurate and easy to cock. Likes the Crosman Premier domed 7.9 gr pellets the best. Put a Bug Buster on it!

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