Air Arms TX200, Image 1
Air Arms TX200, Image 2
Air Arms TX200, Image 3
Air Arms TX200, Image 4
Air Arms TX200, Image 5
Air Arms TX200, Image 6
Air Arms TX200, Image 7
Air Arms TX200, Image 8
Air Arms TX200, Image 1

Air Arms TX200 HC - Hunter Carbine

4.552 reviews
10 answered questions


Caliber:.177 (4.5mm)

.177 (4.5mm)
.22 (5.5mm)

Grip Orientation:Right


Stock Material:Beech



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The Air Arms Hunter Carbine is a short version of the renowned TX200. The HC shares the standard TX200 Mk III internals. Externally, it looks the same as previous models but is a shorter, carbine version which, according to Air Arms, was a popular customer request.

"When customers asked for a shorter, carbine version of the TX 200, we gave them what they wanted," the manufacturer writes on its website. "The result was the TX200 HC - Hunter Carbine, which rapidly became a best seller."

Some highlights of this shorter-model TX200 include a Lothar Walther barrel, built-in moderator, adjustable two-stage trigger, handsome Minelli stock available in right- and left-hand variations, a Monte Carlo cheek piece and a ventilated, rubber butt pad. Because this is a carbine, the cocking lever is shorter, increasing the cocking effort.

Although it's shorter in length than the TX200, the HC is anything but short on performance. "Everything that makes the TX200 the best in its class is contained in the carbine-length HC, including those 'factory tuned' internal components, the elegant stock design and, of course, that impeccable metalwork," Air Arms writes. "It's all there, ready to produce the performance that took the TX200 to World Championship level."

If you're the kind of serious airgunner who demands the highest performance, unwavering consistency, reliability and pinpoint accuracy for which Air Arms is internationally known, the TX200 HC - Hunter Carbine might be the ideal springer air rifle for you.


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Air Arms TX200 HC (Hunter Carbine) Spring Piston Air Rifle

  • Short action for improved handling
  • Adjustable 2-stage trigger
  • Built-in moderator
  • Optional external moderator
  • Deep-cut laser checkering in fish-scale format for superb grip
  • Automatic safety on trigger unit
  • Secondary bear-trap safety
  • Lothar Walther barrel
  • Minelli stock
  • Muzzle energy: 14 FPE (.177), 17 FPE (.22)
  • Velocity: 875 FPS (.177), 700 FPS (.22)
  • Choice of beech and walnut stocks in right-hand version; walnut only in left-hand version
  • Limited lifetime warranty
feature iconfeature icon
  • Air Arms .177-caliber TX200 HC Air Rifle with RH Beech Stock
  • Owner's Manual


.177 (4.5mm)
Max Velocity
930 fps
Suggested for
Small game hunting/target practice
8.5 lbs
Fixed/adj. power
11mm dovetail
Front Sights
Rear Sights
Two-stage adjustable
Barrel Length
Overall Length
1 round(s)
Cocking Effort
34 lbs
Body Type
Ventilated rubber

Ballistic & Conversion Calcs

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10 of 52 Air Arms TX200 HC Reviews

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This is my second Air Arms brand spring rifle. The first one I had was the TX200MK3 in .22. But I realized that the TX200 is better in .177 caliber so I decided to buy one more and purchased the HC version. It turned out to be beautiful. Without a doubt the TX200 is the best spring rifle in the world. I recommend purchasing the Vortek kit at 12fpe. With this kit the TX200 will put a smile on your face with every shot.

Nothing. This is the best spring air rifle.

The HC version is noisier to fire than the MK3 and requires a little more effort when loading the weapon. But nothing to worry about.

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All is well with this air gun very accurate, easy to hold, magnificent feel, walnut stock flawless. Love this rifle so glad I purchased. if you’re considering wait no longer purchase while still at reasonable price.


Easy to shoot very comfortable to hold for long periods of time at an upright position.

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This TX200 HC .22 RH Walnut was a refurbished offer which added value for the money with the addition of some Bullseye Bucks from PA. The cosmetics on this rifle is outstanding. The trigger is light and the recoil is much less than other springers out of the box. HC Hunter Carbine has an overall excellent shorter length. The walnut stock is beautiful and each will be unique. The finish is second to none.

Under lever linkage rattles on the first easily seen connection joint. Right out of the box this is still a shocking contrast to the cosmetics of the rifle. For hunting, any extra and unnecessary noise should not be there. Its a rattler, but not as bad as others I have handled! For this price point, the tolerances on the cocking mechanisms should be tight and not make noise. Wish PA would offer pictures of their refurbished stock, not just a general catch all blanket policy.

Very short cocking lever which is harder to swing down compared, for example: the TX200, HW97K, or Diana 34 break barrel. The TX200HC is loud. While a moderator / silencer can be affixed, that defeats the short length advantage the hunter carbine model has. The HW97K is a tad longer and definitely quieter. With refurbished it is a roll of the dice, so make sure to read over the PA refurbished policy. If interested in today's available springers, no doubt one of these TX200 or TX200HCs will end up in your growing collection. Be careful, air rifles are addictive. Shout out to PA for excellent customer service.

Norman May 27, 2023

Warning: The included & installed Air-Arms-Cocking-Aid at the end of the cocking lever has two small grub screws which most likely will fail to hold the aid on the lever. When the aid starts to slip under use of cocking, expect that these grub screws will chew up the cocking lever and blued finish as the aid slips. These grub screws are too small for the amount of force needed to cock the shorter TX200 Hunter Carbine cocking lever. May want to remove cocking aid if wanting to keep the lever un-marred.

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Lucked out on this & picked up this rifle as refurbished. Not a mark dent or scratch on it & it functions flawlessly. TBH I'd have no issue at all paying full price for this rifle. Of course I'd heard all the hype & seen a lot of stuff on YT about it. Trigger, accuracy, fit & finish all true. Having owned it for about a month now it way exceeds my expectations. As far as I'm concerned if you find a bad review of the TX200 HC it is from someone who has no clue about Springers or how to use one. Of course there is the eternal debate of TX200 vs. HW97 but some folks drive BMW's & some drive Jaguar too. Both will get you there in style. I can say this for sure, if you can appreciate & aford a top of the line springer you will never regret buying this one.

For the moment absolutely nothing. Sure some day I may get one of those fancy tune kits or other upgrades like an adjustable trigger blade or something, but there is nothing wrong just the way it is now at all.

Yes you can get pcp accuracy out of this rifle, but only if you put in the work. Trust me if you miss a target within 50yds or less, its not the guns fault.

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The cosmetics on this rifle is outstanding. The trigger is light and the recoil is much less than other springers out of the box. HC Hunter Carbine has an overall excellent shorter length.

Under lever linkage rattles on the first easily seen connection joint. Right out of the box this is a shocking contrast to the cosmetics of the rifle. For a hunting, any extra and unnecessary noise should not be there. Its a rattler! For this price point, the tolerances on the cocking mechanisms should be tight and not make noise.

Very short cocking lever which is harder to swing down compared, for example: the TX200, HW97K, or Diana 34 break barrel. The TX200HC is loud. While a moderator / silencer can be affixed, that defeats the short length advantage. My HW97k ( just about 3 3/4 inch difference) has a quieter shoot and no rattles. In my humble opinion, there is better value for less money with many competitor options.

Norman May 12, 2023

Difference between HW97K and TX200HC is incorrect. Sorry, stocks were not lined up correctly. Do not have both rifles to compare again, but its much shorter than stated.

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I ordered a TX200HC in walnut, 22 caliber. The airgun arrived in good condition, double boxed with plenty of padding between the boxes. Pyramyd Air does a good job of preparing a package to prevent damage during shipment. I am pleased with the stock wood as it has some nice figure and good grain flow through the wrist area of the stock. After mounting a UTG 4-16 scope I shot a hundred or so shots to break in the gun. The airgun as furnished for the USA market produced 18.39 ft lbs with the JSB Hades pellets. Accuracy is acceptable as furnished. I intend to try several different pellets to see if the airgun prefers something different. At this point with the TX200HC I am very pleased with the airgun and would recommend it for anybody looking for a well made and capable airgun.

Maybe a bit more effort put forth on the stocks finish. I added two coats of WATCO DANISH OIL which improved the surface finish.

AIR ARMS makes a very nice spring airgun. I have no adverse issues with the manufacturer or the product.

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It's beautiful! It's accurate! It instills pride of ownership! It is fine enough to pass down as a family heirloom!

I would change nothing!

Yes! Get one while you can!

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Beautiful rifle, very accurate

Takes some effort to cock

Bought a refurb in 22, there was one small dent on the stock, that was it. Awesome rifle

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Accurate! The stock is a nice looking piece of walnut, except...

The rifle arrived with a dent in the L side of the stock just in front of the trigger guard. Both boxes (AA factory and PA overpack) looked good so I don't think it happened in transit. I contacted PA and they were nice about it and offered to exchange it for another one but I elected to keep it. It's not going to be a bench only rifle so it will eventually gain character, but this was kind of a bummer since it is so expensive to begin with and I paid for the walnut upgrade. This is the only reason for the downgrade.

I used BKL-263 rings to mount a Leupold VX-Freedom EFR Rifle Scope - 3x-9x-33mm w/ base screws torqued to ~35 inch lbs, ring caps to ~15. In >100 rounds there has been no movement. Coming from "real" guns I like to see the objective closer to the barrel but in this case that is a cosmetic preference, not functional. The comb is so high it works fine, and I could probably shoot well even with slightly higher rings though these look goofy enough.

Ross Sep 20, 2024

Hi sir. You can get rid of that dent by using a simple technique that can be found on YouTube, or following these directions. Using a fully heated clothing iron, one such as you would use to iron your clothes, and have a wetted dish towel at the ready. With a corner of the wet dish towel, press it against the dented area of the wood, letting some of the water soak into the dented area. Then with the pointed tip of the iron on top of the tip of the wet towel, just make a small circle over top of the dent for maybe 8 to 10 seconds and the dent should come out :)

Paul Aug 11, 2022

Ah, this is a real rifle, to think other wise is incorrect. I hope you meant fire arms.

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Beautiful rifle

Broken after 3 shots fired Great phone support / return for a replacement- has now been almost three weeks - still not replaced / really disappointing that the replacement is taking so long / the tech stated that there were 13 in stock upon my defective return / what can be done to get my replacement in a timely manner?

Anxious to check accuracy - need a replacement rifle.

Paul Aug 11, 2022

What happened to your rifle?

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