Air Arms S200 Hunter Air Rifle, 10-Shot Repeater
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Our tech department tested the gun, and 29 shots had a velocity that varied between 732 and 776 fps. While each gun is different, you should be able to get a lot of shots before velocity drops significantly and you have to refill.
- Shop related categories: pellet guns, pellet rifles
- Air Arms S200 Hunter air rifle
- Precharged pneumatic
- 20 ft-lbs.
- 10-rd circular clip
- Bolt-action
- Single-shot tray
- Ambidextrous beech stock
- Checkered pistol grip
- 2-stage adjustable trigger
- 2 lbs., 3.5 oz. trigger-pull
- 11mm optics dovetail (no open sights; plastic muzzlebrake has no dovetail for adding a front sight)
- Free-floated barrel
- Includes fill adapter, single-shot tray, o-rings, hex wrenches and more
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6 of 6 Air Arms S200 Hunter Air Rifle, 10-Shot Repeater Reviews
Very accurate. Half inch groups at 25 yards.
Things I Would Have ChangedInclude pressure gauge on tank.
very accurate...trigger pull is just right...very loud and powerful...I really like the pistol grip stock...needs a pressure gauge....they are available on a after market cylinder...has a rotary 10 shot mag you can purchase..mine always did not work properly..crosman pellets feel a little too large ...jamed a lot and the boldt seemed to have to force the pellet into the chamber...I now use air arms diabolo field pellets 16 grams smooth as silk ???? probably because ir arms made the pellet....This is a really great rifle ...all my other ones have been put out to pasture...This is the most accurate one I have shot and it out shoots all my rim fire rifles up to 150 feet.
Things I Would Have Changedpressure gauge...
What Others Should Knowuse air arms diabolo field pellets..rifle is very loud....really nice trigger pull
Lightweight, accuracy. Shoots on average less 1-1/2" ten shot groups at 52.5 yards. Best pellet so far after 5,000 shots is JSB Exact Jumbo RS (1.335" ten shot groups at 52.5 yards).
Things I Would Have ChangedAdd sling swivels for a sling needed when used for hunting. Add a barrel shroud. The rifle is very noisy. Sounds like a hammer hitting an anvil when shot.
What Others Should KnowUsing a Hill hand pump, it takes approximately 55 pumps to fill the reservoir from 120 to 190 bar. I get 40 usable shots out to 75 yards.
Small light easy to handle and carry through a field. Even easy for a young child to use. So accurate.
Things I Would Have ChangedNot much. I do wish it came with iron sites. And I always like more power. Price always. If it is in stock and you want it order now. It took almost 3 months for me to receive mine.
What Others Should KnowVery Accurate. Less than 1 magazine and was on target at 30 yards perfect. I think within 3 shots I was happy. use high mounts for a light weight scope and this thing is a perfect pest(squirrel)remover.
So far I have been getting about 25 shots per air fill. Nothing measured perfectly I just shoot until it seems to be dropping on the target and go refill. recommend getting at least one extra magazine. Filling the rifle with air was strange at first with the twist lock but becomes very simple after a few times doing it. JSB pellets for me, have not even tried anything else yet. Have fun!
Very light mid-power rifle in the 750-800 fps range when you don't need a lot of power for small game or target shooting!
Things I Would Have ChangedTank with a gauge and get away from plastic parts in some areas.
What Others Should KnowIf you need light power for under 50yds pest control, this is it!
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Mar 16, 2019
By Michael
Things I Would Have ChangedAdditional magazines preferred for convenience
What Others Should KnowSound moderater needed. Ordered one from TKO22. Likes JSB exact jumbo diabolo 15.89 gr. Gun made by CZ