UTG Airsoft Deluxe Tactical Vest Digital, Woodland Digital Camo
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Deluxe Tactical Vest with quick draw holster.
4 Deluxe Adjustable Rifle Mag Pouches(3 Right, 1 Left) Universal Design, Each Holding 1-2 Most Popular Mags. Features hook-and-loop close, Drain Holes and Elastic to Hold Mags Tight
1 Deluxe Universal Holster, Adjustable position, Extra Mag Pouch. Extra hook-and-loop Attachable Modular Double-Mag Pouches to Interchange with Holster
3 Deluxe Universal Pistol Mag/Flashlight Pouches, Adjustable height
1 Large ID Pouch, Attachable Elastic Shot Shell Cartridge Holder
1 Radio Pouch, Sniper Shoulder
2 Large Internal Zippered Map/Document Pouches
Heavy Duty Back Loop System To Carry Additional Gear/Tools
Fully adjustable in girth and length (one size fits most), waist fits up to 60", belt fits up to 55"
Complete with Great Quality Pistol Belt with Pouches
Durable Rescue Pull, Mesh System Helps Release Moisture and Heat, High Quality Zippers
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10 of 16 UTG Airsoft Deluxe Tactical Vest Reviews
This vest is awesome the color, all the storage room you can't go wrong with this product for the price.
Things I Would Have ChangedNothing.
Friend thought it was a bullet proof vest at first.Love it, sturdy many attachments.
Things I Would Have ChangedHave two gun holsters or make holster able to be attached to a belt.
What Others Should KnowGet stiff to move sometimes,bit then again im a big guy.
Multipurpose vest, great for everybody who wants a simple vest for airsoft battles.
Things I Would Have ChangedSince I am a little on the big side, it was kinda hard to adjust the vest to fit me perfectly, but I did it.
What Others Should KnowExtremely good vest, especially with the holster. I would recommend for everybody.
Everything. Multipurpose vest.
Things I Would Have ChangedI would love to be able to change which side the holster was on.
What Others Should KnowGreat buy. I want another.
I like the color and how it fits. I will use it alot thanx
Things I Would Have Changedmaybe make it out of a fleece in places to make it quieter
What Others Should Knowna
What I like best about this vest is it has fully adjustable belt and side straps to fit just about anyone. Lots of 30rd AR15 mag room. The holster holds my 1911A1 with no problem.
Things I Would Have ChangedThings I would change? Thats a tough one......
I'm a big guy. Finding a vest that fits is difficult, but this one did the job. The camo is just awesome looking and all the features are really smooth. I'd definitely get one of these again.
Things I Would Have ChangedThe only down side with this vest is that the only pocket that is inter-changeable is the holster. I like some of the military styles where you can switch stuff around. Honestly though, the layout on this vest is how I'd do it anyway, so it's a non-issue. Also, the expansion loops featured on the back are no the same as military style vests, but they do work.
What Others Should KnowThis is the best product for the price out there. I researched others and they are either too small for a big person, or too expensive for someone on a budget. If you're a big person and don't want to spend a ton of money, this is the best product for the price.
Very Comfortable and easy to Adjust. Pistol holder is Velcro on The Velcro creates and Excellent hold. You get an extra 2 mag holders with the same Velcro that you can switch back and forth with the pistol holder to fit your needs. Mesh weave so it very lightweight and breaths very well. Overall Very happy with this vest and would reccomend any one in teh market for one to buy this one it is awesome!
Things I Would Have ChangedBack is not molle it does have straps but they are wider spaced out so putting on some molle strap addons are a bit awkward. I have a camel pack on mine and it works good enough for me it just rides kinda low. If you are using the pistol holder the strap that holds it in is not the easiest thing to remove which makes it take a little more time then i would like to unholster my pistol.
What Others Should KnowThe Shotgun shell holder is Velcroed on so you can pull them off if you don't want them on it.
Extra pistol clips on the belt are easy to remove if you don't need them
The Picture does not do this vest Justice. I almost didn't order it cuz the colors are off but i am glad i did the colors are perfect marine digital woodland or marpat. Even the pic on the UTG bag looks like this... Definitely should have a better pic
everything, whats not to like.
Things I Would Have ChangedThe arrangement of the pockets. One of the upper pockets gets in the way of how I mount my knife, but it will still work.
What Others Should KnowDont know, I dont do airguns. However both AR 15 mags and AK 47 mags will fit well.
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Sep 25, 2012
By Jim
This is an awesome vest! Everything you expect and much more. Heavy weight materials and excellent construction. Pockets for everything. Totally adjustable for most wearers. Enough adjustment to go over jacket or coat! (I wear a 42 coat/35 pants). Should last for years of field wear.
Things I Would Have ChangedNot really anything
What Others Should KnowChecked out similar vests at local gun/ammo show and prices for inferrior models were much higher. This is a good field vest for air gunners and REAL GUN shooters too!