Plano Double Scoped Rifle Case w/Wheels, Pluck Foam, 46"
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*Pluck foam is scored so you can customize it to fit your gun, scope, mounts, mags, bipod, ammo box, and more. The pluck foam is 46" long in the case. That's all that can be removed to accommodate items. There's non-pluck foam that extends out to cover the total 51.5" interior.
The no. 1 thing you want from any gun case is total protection for your gun and optics. Plano's all-weather line of tactical hard cases does that, and more. The ability to carve out a fitted section in the customizable pluck foam for your rifle, scope, bipod, and ammo is a really big deal since it will help prevent accessories and ammo from hitting, or damaging your gun.
- Double scoped rifle/shotgun case
- Pluck foam interior*
- Carries up to 2 scoped rifles or shotguns
- Dri-Loc seal ensures case is water-tight & dust-proof
- Comfort-grip swivel handle
- Easy-glide wheels for smooth transport
- Lockable/airline-approved
- Exterior: 54.625"x15.5"x6"
- Interior: 51.5"x12.63"x5.25" (46" max gun length)
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6 of 6 Plano Double Scoped Rifle Case Reviews
Let me put it this way, there is NOTHING I don't like. Purchased this case to carry and store my pellet firing CX 4 and PX 4 weapons along with all the accessories for them. This case offers ample room for both, with room left to store the holster and mag pouch for PX4. I also carry a spare gas canisters for both as well. Good quality construction for a lot less than the "P" case would cost.
Things I Would Have ChangedNOTHING !
What Others Should KnowWant a great case to store and or transport your weapons ? Get this one, it will not disappoint.
Well built
Things I Would Have ChangedMake sure it is noted that will not hold two air rifles with large scopes. To fit had to remove the scopes.
What Others Should KnowThis is made for regular power rifles it will NOT hold two scoped Diana (38 & P31) air rifles. Air rifles are bigger than powder burners due to all the mechanical parts. To get my two scoped Diana in had to take the scopes off (which I am not very pleased with) good thing am using UTG quick connect scope mounts
very well made, holds two rifles easily, wheels make for easier transporting...very nice!!!! i bought two!!!
Things I Would Have Changedmaybe a little more foam???
What Others Should Knownot really, nice case!!! buy one, you won't be sorry!
this is a well made product! worth the money in my opinion..i bought two of them!
Things I Would Have Changednothing
What Others Should Knowbuy it if you need a double case on wheels, very practical & makes transporting my bigger guns much easier...
Price and quality construction.
Things I Would Have ChangedNothing
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Jul 27, 2018
Sturdy and strong
Things I Would Have Changed*Note that two scoped guns will NOT fit. Include an extra sheet of pluck foam. For the crazy price tag, an extra sheet of foam won't hurt their profits.
What Others Should KnowWill not fit two scoped guns. Really plan out your gun position on the pluck foam. Once you pluck it, that's where it's living forever.